Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Neuro: Thoughts on Today's Lecture

Today has truly been an emotional day for our class.  During our first pathology class, we discussed with Prof. Sasse some problems we have dealt with and overcame in our life and during this class we saw various ways that brain injuries have dramatically changed the lives of others.  It's so easy to get caught up in our own problems and what is important in our lives that we rarely look at other people and realize that they have problems just like we do.  What is amazing about occupational therapy is our ability to look past our own selfishness and look at the individuals we are caring for.  One of our core standards we hold ourselves to is embracing altruism in practice.  I love how occupational therapy is so unique in this way.  I cannot think of another health profession that is as selfless as occupational therapy.  When people get services from us, they know for certain that we are looking at what matters to them because that is exactly what our job description is!  Seeing these cases of traumatic and non-traumatic brain injury have definitely humbled me and made me realize how often I take my own health and the health of my loved ones for granted.  I know that one day I may have to deal with illness (whether it be my own or one that a loved one has) that is difficult like these are, so I need to understand how gentle the health of humankind really is and appreciate it while I still have it.

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