Thursday, May 4, 2017

Foundations: Activity Analysis

Last week, we participated in an activity analysis lab for our class in Foundations.  Even though the expectations for the project were not extremely difficult, the assignment itself is important.  We as people may not understand the importance of learning the ins and out of daily activities, but as occupational therapists we must know them!  People do not necessarily think of all the steps it takes to make a cup of coffee; however, if someone needs to re-learn how to do this activity due to a disability, these steps are critical.  I think it was very helpful to practice explaining and teaching activities to others because that is something we will have to do with our clients.  My biggest take-away from the lab was discussing the different ways to grade an activity to make the "just right challenge" for our clients.  This kind of brainstorming helps us getting into an OT mindset when thinking about daily life activities.  All in all, the activity analysis lab was both fun and useful.

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