Friday, May 12, 2017

Foundations: Fear of Explaining

Fear of Explaining

One of the obvious requirements for this program was the capacity to explain what the profession of occupational therapy is.  I remember in my entrance interview, I was asked "In your own words, how would you describe occupational therapy." I knew what I was going to say because I had practiced possible answers before my interview.  I responded with "Occupational therapy is a profession in which the therapist helps someone get to a best life possible.  This profession is truly unique to me because it applies to everyone across the lifespan: all the way from children with developmental disabilities to older adults who have had strokes."  This was an adequate response to the question because I had limited resources in which to obtain a perfect answer to the question.  
Now that I am in OT school, I feel a greater pressure to give a perfect elevator speech.  However, I have also gained better insight into exactly what OT is and all that it entails.  I do admit that I still get nervous when someone asks me what occupational therapy is.  I suppose that I am worried that I am going to mess it up somehow and do an injustice to the profession.  I believe this anxiety will become less of a problem as I progress in the curriculum (hopefully!)

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